

community driven artisanal mining initiative, honoring mother nature

Ethical Minerals was originally formed in 2017 to provide ethically mined Coltan (the base for Tantalite). The sad part was, NO ONE was interested to buy ethically mined coltan from me. I approached international Tantalite Capacitor manufacturers (the conflict component in all electronics). I was met with ignorance and indifference. Hence I started something that seemed easier, to establish the new ‘ethical blueprint codex’ in the gold mining industry, as gold is a highly sought after commodity.

But my WHY is still the same: to ultimately reduce my karmic contribution to the suffering of the children in the Congo, I am making with every electronic device I buy, in FULL AWARENESS of what I am contributing to!

How does ETHICAL MINERALS’ gold differ?


1. Gold mines dig pits that span from 30 meters to 3.5 kilometers in width. Conventional gold mines do not close these holes which have numerous lasting effects on the environment. The earth’s frequency is disturbed up to a 16-mile radius around the open pits. The earth is a living organism & it is similar to a human living with open bullet wounds that aren’t bandaged. Artisanal mines create smaller holes which have a lower environmental impact, however, normally don’t close them due to the additional cost it involves, or due to simple ignorance. At ETHICAL MINERALS we close the holes after the mining is done & turn them into agricultural sites.

2. Gold is conventionally mined with Mercury. ETHICAL MINERALS abstains from using any mercury in the mining process. Why is mercury harmful? ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE, DAMAGE TO HUMANS & WILDLIFE: Mercury is a neurotoxin. Wherever mercury gets into the ground, it contaminates the soil and kills the plants. When mercury gets into the waterways it contaminates crops that are watered with the contaminated water and it poses an extreme HEALTH HAZARD FOR COMMUNITIES that consume this water (use it for drinking, washing, cooking, feed it to their animals). It highly causes nerve & brain damage, tumors and can be fatal.

4. Ownership of the land remains with the community, hence we consider it our responsibility  to return the land to the stakeholders in a manner that is productive: they can plant food on it, build on it or use it in other ways and can pass it on to their future generations, instead of leaving them with a hole that is a a) hazard to the children in the community, b) becomes a breeding ground for mosquitos & malaria during the raining season when rain water fills the pits, c) increases risk of flooding communities and landslides.

5.Introduce clean energy into the Mining communities, such as wind, hydro and solar, that supplies houses with light, farms with irrigation systems that increase harvest output.

Once ETHICAL MINERALS is profitable we will introduce eco architecture in the mining communities / transformative educational spaces. Hence we appreciate everyone who joins us on this mission to ultimately transform an entire industry. Conventionally the most precious minerals are mined by the poorest people (all across the globe). This must change!

Investing in gold is the wisest thing one can do, because it is absolutely timeless. While everything like fiscal currency fluctuates and will be replaced by something else eventually, gold has a consistent value that is the same all over the world, since 20,000 years or more. Hold still is the safest investment to have.